Across All Heavy Industries
Ventmeca is proud to offer a comprehensive program for repair, rebuilding, and upgrading of industrial fans across all heavy industries.
Replicating aerodynamic characteristics ensures existing fan performance is achieved
Impeller fatigue life has become an increasing necessity with process fans as users move away from damper controls to VFD’s for power savings in processes that have repetitive changes in fan performance.
Ventmeca can provide a fatigue analysis to determine the fatigue life of existing equipment based on fan speed cycling, and engineer a solution to increase that fatigue life and reliability
Ventmeca recommends the performance testing of large process fans when a rebuild or spare is required to confirm the fan is as efficient as it should be, confirm if it is under performing, or determine if aerodynamic changes to the impeller could improve wear life or reduce build up.
Engineered solutions for increased efficiency, more performance and increased wear life by updating the impeller design in the existing housing.
A new fans performance rating is specified by the buyer /engineer. This often contains a margin for upset conditions and even increased capacity for future production increases.
This fan curve to the left was selected for this rating and peak efficiency. It is only the actual system resistance that determines where the fan operates, hence it’s actual efficiency. Even if a fan was selected for the actual original system resistance, over time, continuous improvements to the process (system) to reduce costs and improve production have reduced the system resistance, changing where the fan operates.
Very often we find “efficient” fans operating inefficiently.
Ventmeca provides replacement fan housings and other components.
We can replace existing units with identical parts or engineer improvements to enhance performance. These improvements may include the addition of wear liners in problem areas, enhanced corrosion resistance, better access to the interior of the fan, custom splits and configurations for tight installations to facilitate rotor replacement, and improved shaft seals.
Additionally, we offer custom heavy-duty dampers and expansion joints.
Ventmeca can replace lightly constructed OEM dampers and expansion joints with heavy duty construction and wear resistant materials. These upgrades result in longer wear life, reduced pressure drops, and improved overall efficiency and performance. If your fan equipment needs improvement, Ventmeca is here to help.